Luminos is excited and proud to be the first to market with panel vertical blinds. This unique product combines the elegance of panels with the practicality of vertical blinds.
For those wishing to have the stylishness of panel blinds, but who do not wish to have the panels separated Luminos has developed its own premium panel range. The panels of 250mm width are ‘joined’ vertically using our own range of 50mm Basswood slatting, thus giving the blind a fresh, contemporary and very modern look.
Headrail options in five different colour variations allows you to match it to your chosen fabric or material. This blind comes standard with wooden accents on the top & bottom of each slat. These wooden accents can be selected from our basswood collection or any colour from the Plascon range. The design of the blind means that the slats can be rotated 180 degrees which is controlled via wand or cord.
Luminos has a huge selection of materials available for panel vertical blinds. The materials that we offer for roller blinds can equally be used for all panel vertical blinds.